I am keeping this page as a resource page, though the pandemic is practically over.
Should there be more developments then I will be adding pertinent information, but so as not to make it a long tapeworm of information,
only the most important things are posted here - I have now added a blog category: CORONA VIRUS
Interesting as an archive -
many links to web resources don't work anymore.
A diligent and curious researcher might look for archived pages on the Internet Archives Wayback Machine.
Some of the information I posted is by now (retrospect Summer 2022 - and now Spring 2024) hopelessly out in left field.
I keep it mainly as a archive.
The next line is about how it all started.
For nothing better to do, since I am in Self-Quarantine since March 10th 2020, I started constructing this page.
Today's date April 1st 2020 - not a April Fools joke - this is serious stuff!
I am trying to gather resources that are trustworthy and serious - you won't find conspiracy theories here.
Since I am in Austria, some of my materials and links will be in German. I recommend installing Google Translate on your device.
Apologies to my English speaking friends - some videos are in German,
but conversely for my German speaking friends, some videos are only found in English.
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs"
Note: the above video ▲ is from Spring 2020 and some of the information is not up to recent standards. I leave this up so we can follow the history.
The entire playlist of MEDCRAM about the Corona Virus select from the playlist with the drop-down menu on top ▼
My comment: Corona type viruses had been with us for years already, and they will be in future, including strains of Covid-19 and future mutations. We have to learn to live with that, just as we learned to live with influenza. Lets deal with it without panic and painting a doomsday scenario.
Mapping 2019-nCoVUp to date map:
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) ▲
Click for information about the map. On the site, if you click the screenshot of the map (January 23. 2020) it will take you to the current map.There is more interesting information available also. For more information and downloadable instructions, please consult this page:
When and how to use masks the lancet - covid-19 resource centerTo assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All of our COVID-19 content is free to access.
Early Spring 2020 masks were almost impossible to get when I started this page, In this spot I had a embedded video about how to make a mask out of a coffee filter. It has been removed.
What I keep is the link to the Information page of the Austrian Health Ministry (English). Unfortunately the FAQ page is only in German: Check the FAQ's (in German). INFORMATION from AGES in AUSTRIA
in German, but can be switched to English Lists of Hospital Capacity in Germany
Language: German WIEN - viennaInformation in German and English from Vienna
Aktuelles zum CoronavirusLatest information on the coronavirusAUSTRIACORONA AMPEL
Gesichtsschutzschirme - Face Shields ÖSTERREICH DEUTSCHLAND
:Please note: since Fall 2020 Face Shields are no longer legal as a replacement for masks in Austria and some states in Germany.
Further Update: In Austria, some states in Germany and some other EU countries medical grade masks are now mandatory - BUT THESE REGULATIONS CHANGE FREQUENTLY. Though medical grade masks make some sense under certain circumstances, I would not advise to wear them constantly, but only in situations where legally required. |
Global Coronavirus COVID-19 Clinical Trial Tracker
The best resource page about Masks ► |
WHO Bulletin of Prof. John P A Ioannidis research ► |
Of particular interest to my friends in North America ►
There are continuously new messages appearing, new information, opinions and such about this theme. Some of it is controversial, some is funny, some I would consider situated in wingnut territory. But I don't force anyone to agree with me - these are my personal opinions and everyone can make up his/her own mind - and this even includes what I had posted above. I am opening a blog under the category of corona where I will post such articles and videos. I might mark some of those as controversial, conspiracy theory or wingnut, but again, this subjective to my own opinion.
You decide for yourself - above all, stay healthy! |
Es erscheinen ständig neue Nachrichten, neue Informationen, Meinungen und dergleichen zu diesem Thema. Einige davon sind umstritten, andere sind lustig, andere würde ich als bescheuert betrachten. Aber ich zwinge niemanden, mir zuzustimmen - dies sind meine persönlichen Meinungen und jeder kann sich selbst entscheiden - und dies schließt sogar das ein, was ich oben gepostet habe. Ich eröffne einen Blog unter der Kategorie Corona, in dem ich solche Artikel und Videos veröffentlichen werde. Ich könnte einige davon als kontrovers, Verschwörungstheorie oder bescheuert bezeichnen, aber auch dies ist meiner eigenen Meinung nach subjektiv.
Du entscheidest selbst - vor allem bleibe gesund! |
Some of the posts are in English, and some are in German only. I strive to find English or dual language sources wherever possible.
Einige der Beiträge sind auf Englisch, andere nur auf Deutsch. Ich bemühe mich, wo immer möglich, englische oder zweisprachige Quellen zu finden.