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How Fast Does Sunlight Kill Coronavirus?
Natural sunlight rapidly inactivates SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on surfaces
Coronavirus /
Oxford Academic - The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Previous studies have demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 is stable on surfaces for extended periods under indoor conditions. In the present study, simulated sunlight rapidly inactivated SARS-CoV-2 suspended in either simulated saliva or culture media and dried on stainless steel coupons. Ninety percent of infectious virus was inactivated every 6.8 minutes in simulated saliva and every 14.3 minutes in culture media when exposed to simulated sunlight representative of the summer solstice at 40oN latitude at sea level on a clear day. Significant inactivation also occurred, albeit at a slower rate, under lower simulated sunlight levels. The present study provides the first evidence that sunlight may rapidly inactivate SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces, suggesting that persistence, and subsequently exposure risk, may vary significantly between indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, these data indicate that natural sunlight may be effective as a disinfectant for contaminated non-porous materials.
Over and over we've been told "to stay home" but increasingly, it is being shown that this virus tends to spread faster and easier indoor than outdoor.
So 'stay at home' should be replaced with 'stay outdoors in the sunshine', of course with the caution to use sunscreen and keep your distance from others as viruses can still spread from coughs and sneezes. Additional Information
Researchers led by Shanna Ratnesar-Shumate from the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, Operated by BNBI for the US Department of Homeland Security, have found that simulated sunlight could effectively kill severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that is responsible for the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The study titled, “Simulated Sunlight Rapidly Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 on Surfaces,” was published in the latest issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Again I apologize to my English Readers - most of the source material and critique thereof is from German sources. You might want to use Google Translate (I have it installed on my laptop to automatically translate other languages).
Etwas über Rosa Elefanten und wie gefährlich diese sein könnten wenn man keine Maßnahmen ergreift:
Am Ende meiner Litanei komme ich etwas vom Thema ab und behandle die Kleinwalsertal Affaire. Doch irgendwie sind diese Sachen doch verbunden. Auch hier handelt es sich um Elefanten: die Auflage des Mindestabstands wurde kürzlich von Seiten der Regierung in Österreich als "Babyelefant" bezeichnet.
Was bedeutet das? Hier geht es zum Ernst der Sache:
Glaube an Verschwörungstheorien :
Von bösen Mächten wunderbar geborgen Es handelt sich hier um ein Essay von Anselm Neft in ZEIT ONLINE: Über das Coronavirus zirkulieren sogenannte Verschwörungstheorien. Manche Menschen glauben an sie. Und als Glauben lässt sich das Phänomen auch am ehesten analysieren.
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We must urgently develop measures to tackle the new coronavirus
— but safety always comes first, says Shibo Jiang.
and at the New York Blood Center, New York, USA.
Around the world, I am seeing efforts to support ‘quick-fix’ programmes aimed at developing vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19. Groups in the United States and China are already planning to test vaccines in healthy human volunteers. Make no mistake, it’s essential that we work as hard and fast as possible to develop drugs and vaccines that are widely available across the world. But it is important not to cut corners.
Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, smallpox and influenza have a long history of safe use and were developed in line with requirements of regulatory agencies.
I have worked to develop vaccines and treatments for coronaviruses since 2003, when the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak happened. In my view, standard protocols are essential for safeguarding health. Before allowing use of a COVID-19 vaccine in humans, regulators should evaluate safety with a range of virus strains and in more than one animal model. They should also demand strong preclinical evidence that the experimental vaccines prevent infection, even though that will probably mean waiting weeks or even months for the models to become available.
Journal Human Vaccines Volume 2, 2006 - Issue 2
DNA vaccines are based on the transfer of genetic material, encoding an antigen, to the cells of the vaccine recipient. Despite high expectations of DNA vaccines as a result of promising preclinical data their clinical utility remains unproven. However, much data is gathered in preclinical and clinical studies about the safety of DNA vaccines. Here we review current knowledge about the safety of DNA vaccines. Safety concerns of DNA vaccines relate to genetic, immunologic, toxic, and environmental effects. In this review we provide an overview of findings related to the safety of DNA vaccines, obtained so far. We conclude that the potential risks of DNA vaccines are minimal. However, their safety issues may differ case-by-case, and they should be treated accordingly.
There were discussions on Facebook about the subject of vaccines, lock-downs and possible second and third waves of COVID-19. I just want to pick out one, followed by my answer.
What do you know about SARS? Where is it now, how many "waves" of it since 2003 - just for an example. Pandemics such as these run their course in due time. By the time they have a vaccine (if ever - i.e. there never was one found for SARS*) it will have run its course and the vaccine irrelevant to go on the trash heap - but if it mutates, then the vaccines will be useless anyway, the same as many of the flu vaccines were useless, and some, like the swine flu, were even dangerous. But Pharma will have made billions in profit.
The way it is going now (with exceptions of a few bad pockets that are cited as scare stories) the curves are flattening, so in order to keep up the pharma propaganda, there has to be the specter of new waves projected, and as some say, much worse than the original - because without fear (which by itself lowers your immune system) they cannot exert the type of desired control to turn people into obedient robots.
Lets just drink the Cool-Aid.
So any claim that we can never return to normal unless there is a vaccine and everyone is vaccinated, is
irresponsible scaremongering. The fact hat such comes from the chancellor of Austria is however alarming.
To speculate what is behind all this, I leave to others - and you, dear reader: what does your common sense tell you?
As of 2020, there is no cure or protective vaccine for SARS that has been shown to be both safe and effective in humans. According to research papers published in 2005 and 2006, the identification and development of novel vaccines and medicines to treat SARS was a priority for governments and public health agencies around the world. In early 2004, an early clinical trial on volunteers was planned. A major researcher´s 2016 request, however, demonstrated that no field-ready SARS vaccine had been completed because likely market-driven priorities had ended funding. ............ Wikipedia - SARS Treatment
well, yeah, but it is a strain of SARS
so what about SARS?
April 2006
By 2004, SARS cases had slowed just as mysteriously as they had started in Guandong province of southern China 2 years earlier, in December of 2002. Yet the legacy of unanswered questions the pathogen left behind should keep scientists, public health officials, epidemiologists, and ethicists occupied for a long time to come. Why, exactly, should we revive discussion if it is no longer a pressing threat? After all, the SARS death toll is relatively low with 812 deaths worldwide. What’s more, the looming H5N1 avian flu virus is currently front page news. Even so, the SARS epidemic should not be filed away without appreciation of the lessons it taught.
Although short-lived, SARS forced us to face the unpleasant reality of global pandemics and to address the ethico-legal dilemmas that result from hasty public health measures.
Don't forget, I am first and foremost a artist.
Examining the justifications provided by the Nazis at the Nuremberg War Criminal trials, he didn't believe that they just executed orders, so he basically did a study to show that they were lying. He wanted to show that a conscientious person wouldn't commit atrocities just because they are told to do so by an authority.
Unfortunately, he proved the opposite. (Oops.)
He has scientifically proven that people are sheep who will do almost anything as long as someone seen as an authority tells them to do so.
Justifications for atrocities are then easily found, as long as the authority wills it so.
Exceptions are extremely rare.
*From "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau.
"Civil Disobedience" to begin his story
"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman
The above YT video is a Audiobook about half hour long you could listen to or else read the first sentences here ► and then follow the link for the story on PDF |
That is the heart of it. Now begin in the middle, and later learn the beginning; the end will take care of itself.
But because it was the very world it was, the very world they had allowed it to become, for months his activities did not come to the alarmed attention of The Ones Who Kept the Machine Functioning Smoothly, the ones who poured the very best butter over the cams and mainsprings of the culture. Not until it had become obvious that somehow, someway, he had become a notoriety, a celebrity, perhaps even a hero for (what Officialdom inescapably tagged) "an emotionally disturbed segment of the populace," did they turn it over to the Ticktockman and his legal machinery. But by then, because it was the very world it was, and they had no way to predict he would happen--possibly a strain of disease long defunct, now, suddenly reborn in a system where immunity had been forgotten, had lapsed--he had been allowed to become too real. Now he had form and substance. |
In others, there was only sniggering, those strata where thought is subjugated to form and ritual, niceties, proprieties. But down below, ah, down below, where the people always needed their saints and sinners, their bread and circuses, their heroes and villains, he was considered a Bolivar; a Napoleon; a Robin Hood; a Dick Bong (Ace of Aces); a Jesus; a Jomo Kenyatta.
And at the top--where, like socially attuned Shipwreck Kellys, every tremor and vibration threatens to dislodge the wealthy, powerful and titled from their flagpoles--he was considered a menace; a heretic; a rebel; a disgrace; a peril. He was known down the line, to the very heartmeat core, but the important reactions were high above and far below. At the very top, at the very bottom.
So his file was turned over, along with his time-card and his cardioplate, to the office of the Ticktockman.
Read more ►
Since I don't get out much lately, having been in self-imposed quarantine since middle of March, I spend much more time on line, perusing social websites, blockchain sites, You Tube, newspaper readers comments etc. The conclusion I came to from all this exposure is, that it saddens and also frightens me that a large percentage of them (in my estimate over 90% - present company excluded) are certifiable idiots. But the worse of it is yet to come: they procreate!
The other thing is: they are, at least in so called "democratic" systems, eligible voters! .... and also, save for a few restrictions, eligible to stand for office and being voted in by said majority!
So is it any wonder what we experiencing now?
This meme was re-posted by my friend Sabina, with this text:
True story! Check it.
Love & freedom or fear & caution?
What do you choose?
Choose NOW!
I then replied to her:
you have been fact-checked by REUTERS - and your post is true!!!!!
Social media users have been sharing an image online that claims the popular music festival Woodstock, which took place in August 1969, happened in the middle of a pandemic. This claim is correct.
I never even thought of it being a pandemic - went right over my head - I do remember SARS 2003 though, we were handed a photocopied paper at work telling us to wash our hands. That was the extend of it! So come to think of it, Swine Flu later on in 2009 (that year I traveled extensively also), I should have died 3 times over already! ....... maybe I did die, and what is happening right now are just the flashes in my brain or a quantum shift into a alternate universe where the definitions of stupidity are turned upside down ...... I then attached a link to the story by Harlan Ellison I shared above.
Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic
It is not responsible to say that we cannot go back to "normality" until there is a vaccine!
To develop a safe vaccine takes years of clinical trials!
Austrian Biologist Clemens Arvay
Jiang S. (2020),
Don´t rush to deploy COVID-19 vaccines and drugs without sufficient safety guarantees
in: Nature, 16.03.2020
OCLA Report 2020-1: Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada
there is a link on that page where you can download the full report.
the elevator fart
It has been reported that a loss of smell and taste is one of the symptoms.
Loss of smell and taste validated as COVID-19 symptoms in patients with high recovery rate.
Study suggests clinicians should include sensory impairment as standard screening measure
In past, you had noticed, more often than not, that someone had farted. But now, of late you never smell anything! It cannot be because of the mask - the ones we wear have gaps on the sides, they do not fit as tightly as the protective N95 type masks medical professionals are wearing. If someone farts, you should smell it. But you don't!
Your Panic Is Increasing Your Risk
About Face Masks and the dangers of wearing them because they could cause a condition called Hypoxia -
first of, the clinical explanation what it is:
Hypoxia and hypoxemia facts
Hypoxia is a condition or state in which the supply of oxygen is insufficient for normal life functions.
Symptoms of hypoxia and/or hypoxemia may be acute or chronic and vary in intensity from mild to severe. Common acute symptoms are: shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and a fast heart rate.
Severe symptoms include: The inability to communicate, Confusion, Possible coma or death.
................................................... READ MORE
(in German, I am now attempting to translate to English):
The masks without a valve, but also to a certain extent the surgical masks, have one major disadvantage, namely rebreathing of CO² - and this can lead to shortness of breath. If the oxygen content of your breathing air is less than the minimum value of 19.5%, then you are in an endangered zone - a zone in which the canary in the coal mine drops off his perch and this indicates that you should quickly be getting out into the fresh air! If you get short of breath, get a headache and chest pressure, it does not mean that you are infected with COVID-19, but it means that you are suffering from a lack of oxygen, which in the case of only one percentage point below the lower limit can lead to dizziness, fainting and even death!
from a document that you find the link on the bottom of the quote:
Immediately after putting on a normal thin surgical mask, you breathe in much more exhaled CO2. The effects are so strong that the doctoral student was only allowed to test the subjects over a period of 30 minutes so as not to damage them.
This leads to tiredness, faster breathing, irregular heartbeat, poor concentration, poorer fine motor skills.
Surgeons in the operating room frequently experience physical discomfort, fatigue, and possibly even deterioration of surgical judgment and performance.
Wearing N95 masks results in hypooxygenemia and hypercapnia which reduce working efficiency and the ability to make correct decision.
Healthcare providers may develop headaches following the use of the N95 face-mask. Shorter duration of face-mask wear may reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches.
Dr. Edwin Böhlke, Geschäftsführender Oberarzt an der Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie des Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf erklärt um was es hier geht.
Bei starker körperlicher Anstrengung besteht bei ihnen die Gefahr der Hyperkapnie. Kann das Kohlendioxid (CO2) aufgrund des erhöhten Luftwiderstands in der Maske nicht richtig abgeatmet werden, könnte es sich im Blut anreichern und den pH-Wert im Blut senken. Der erhöhte CO2-Partialdruck würde dann zu einer respiratorischer Azidose führen.
Snorkel Bob's, Hawaii's leading snorkel retailer refuses to sell them. Tour operator Hawaii Ocean Project won't allow their guests to use them, even if you bring your own.
§ 1
(3) Im Massenbeförderungsmittel ist gegenüber Personen, die nicht im gemeinsamen Haushalt leben, ein Abstand von mindestens einem Meter einzuhalten und eine den Mund- und Nasenbereich abdeckende mechanische Schutzvorrichtung zu tragen. Ist auf Grund der Anzahl der Fahrgäste sowie beim Ein- und Aussteigen die Einhaltung des Abstands von mindestens einem Meter nicht möglich, kann davon ausnahmsweise abgewichen werden.
§ 11. (1) Diese Verordnung gilt nicht für
(3) Das Tragen von einer den Mund- und Nasenbereich abdeckenden mechanischen Schutzvorrichtung gilt nicht für Kinder bis zum vollendeten 6. Lebensjahr und für Personen, denen aus gesundheitlichen Gründen das Tragen der Vorrichtung nicht zugemutet werden kann.
The wearing of a mechanical protective device covering the mouth and nose area does not apply to children up to the age of 6 and to persons who cannot be expected to wear the device for health reasons.
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