I've been on Instagram for a while now - probably not doing it right, since half the time I don't even add hash tags. Here I show some stuff of mine, posted/shared by others that I found and saved - it is nice to have at least a few fans on there .......
Flattering also that someone would take a posted selfie of mine and make a artwork out of it:
I am happy to have a fan like this - thank you Dack Oenemaus!
My friend Tea Slavica shared this studio shot of mine, as I was working on a drawing where I had used her as the model.
Another one I appreciate very much:
Lastly - I do enjoy the company of pretty ladies:
Opening again after Corona Lockdown
Wiedereröffnung nach Corona Lockdown ![]()
​​Dear friends of the Ernst Fuchs Museum!
After one month in lockdown, we are all the more pleased to be able to open our doors again to all art lovers! As of May 4th, the Ernst Fuchs Museum in the Otto Wagner Villa is open again at the usual times: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm. Reservations in advance are not necessary for a visit, tickets are available on site or in our online ticket shop. There is also a new feature: The pandemic forces us to be inventive and so we have decided – until we are allowed to reopen our Café Esther in the garden of the Villa normally again – to offer drinks and food TO GO from now on. So when you visit the museum, your physical well-being will also be adequately catered for! Stay healthy and we look forward to welcoming you at the museum soon! Tip: When the weather is sunny, a visit to the museum can be combined very nicely with a walk in the forest! ![]()
​​Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Ernst Fuchs Museums!
Nach gut einem Monat im Lockdown freuen wir uns umso mehr, unsere Türen nun wieder allen Kunstinteressierten öffnen zu dürfen! Seit 4. Mai hat das Ernst Fuchs Museum in der Otto Wagner Villa nun wieder zu den gewohnten Zeiten geöffnet: Dienstag bis Sonntag, 10 bis 16 Uhr. Voranmeldungen sind für einen Besuch nicht erforderlich, Tickets gibt es vor Ort oder in unserem Online-Ticketshop. Weiters gibt es eine Neuerung: Die Pandemie macht erfinderisch und so haben wir beschlossen – bis wir unser Café Esther im Garten der Villa wieder normal öffnen dürfen – ab sofort Getränke und Speisen TO GO anzubieten. Bei einem Besuch des Museums ist also auch für das leibliche Wohl ausreichend gesorgt! Bleiben Sie gesund und wir freuen uns sehr, Sie bald bei uns im Museum begrüßen zu dürfen! Tipp: Bei schönem Wetter lässt sich ein Museumsbesuch sehr schön mit einer Waldwanderung verbinden!
About the map view: that we are open again has been submitted to Google Maps
I have been a member on Pinterest for several years now, and had created some boards that highlight not only my art, but also many different interests. The first board I published already in 2015 was "Fantastic Art by my Friends" - here I show you my artwork, posted on the board from a variety of sources, so you may find work that is not on my website here or otherwise easy to find.
This catalogue was made for the online charity show for covid frontliners.
The non-profit show is available for viewing on the DREAMS & DIVINITIES WEBSITE Catalogue design Al Gassano / Cover design: Hector Pineda
click on the title, then on top right - icon for full screen viewing
​click on the bottom for navigation and zooming pages
A video preview from Yvette Endrijautzki of Nautilus Studio
My own work in this show:
​click image to purchase a print (opens in separate tab) |
OTTO RAPPThis blog is primarily art related - for my photography please go to Archives
September 2024