This catalogue was made for the online charity show for covid frontliners.
The non-profit show is available for viewing on the DREAMS & DIVINITIES WEBSITE Catalogue design Al Gassano / Cover design: Hector Pineda
click on the title, then on top right - icon for full screen viewing
click on the bottom for navigation and zooming pages
A video preview from Yvette Endrijautzki of Nautilus Studio
My own work in this show:
click image to purchase a print (opens in separate tab)
acrylic on mylar - abstract decalcomania - digital enhancements - mirrored.
Nominal size 80 x 40 cm - 2020
I am currently in quarantine at home - playing with shots of unfinished projects from my studio - which I have not been to since March 10th, since it is way across town.
I wanted to lead this blog with a work of art, before we (and myself included) forget that I am foremost a artist. But these are strange times, and my attention is riveted on the current crisis of COVID-19. Everything is overshadowed by it - including my creativity, since being away from the studio. I am hoping to go there and resume work sometime after Easter, come hell or high water.
CORONA: Killervirus oder Killer-Umwelt?
Mit Biologe Clemens Arvay (Fach medizinische Ökologie)
Corona kommt mit dem Feinstaub. Das Problem ist nicht neu und geht viel weiter. Nach Corona darf es nie wieder weitergehen wie davor. Der Biologe Clemens Arvay, Fachmann für medizinische Ökologie, sagt: „Wir haben keinen Killervirus, sondern eine Killerumwelt“. Verweise:
Positionspapier über Feinstaub und Corona-Ausbreitung der Universitäten Bologna und Bari mit der italienischen Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin
* Bis zu 650.000 Influenzatote pro Jahr - Med Uni Wien
From the Guardian, a related article about air pollution:
Tue 17 Mar 2020 09.02 GMT - Last modified on Wed 18 Mar 2020 10.54 GMT Air pollution likely to increase coronavirus death rate, warn experts
The health damage inflicted on people by long-standing air pollution in cities is likely to increase the death rate from coronavirus infections, experts have said.
Dirty air is known to cause lung and heart damage and is responsible for at least 8m early deaths a year. This underlying health damage means respiratory infections, such as coronavirus, may well have a more serious impact on city dwellers and those exposed to toxic fumes, than on others. ...... READ MORE
Originally published by IMPAKTER March 27, 2020
COVID-19: Link with Air Pollution? Italy’s and China’s Experience Updated 9 April 2020
A new scientific study, just published in the United States, provides further proof that there may be a very real link between the speed of transmission and lethality of COVID-19 and air pollution. The study by researchers at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston, analyzed air pollution and COVID-19 deaths up to 4 April in 3,000 counties in the United States, covering 98% of the population. “We found that an increase of only 1μg/m3 in PM2.5 [particles] is associated with a 15% increase in the COVID-19 death rate,” the team concluded.
To address COVID-19, it has become clear to the whole world that the Chinese model of testing strick social distancing is a must and that a full “lockdown” of the economy cannot be avoided – with only “essential” activities maintained. Italy was the first country to follow this Chinese model. Now, almost all countries have followed suit, including India with its 1.3 billion people told to stay home for 21 days – undoubtedly the largest quarantine operation in history. But there is another lesson from the Chinese and Italian experience that has emerged: the highly probable link between dirty air and level of lethality of COVID-19. ..................... READ MORE
"Was für ein FIASKO, Herr Kurz!"
(Biologe Clemens Arvay über Maskenzwang und staatliche Panikmache)
Der Biologe und Autor Clemens G. Arvay prangert das "Masken-Fiasko" sowie die Panikmache durch Kanzler Sebastian Kurz an. Diese sei wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar und verantwortungslos.
Verweise: Sebastian Kurz behauptet, dass bald jeder in Österreich einen Corona-Toten kennen wird: KLEINE ZEITUNG - KRONE - YOUTUBE
WHO rät von Mundschutz ab
Verwirrung nach Rat der WHO, keinen Mundschutz zu tragen Es bestünde die Gefahr, sich beim Abnehmen der Maske erst recht anzustecken, meint die WHO. Die Regierung verweist auf eine Studie.
The above is in German - too bad there are no English subtitles. The positions taken differ from the "officially sanctioned" media that dominates. In my opinion, what he says makes a lot of sense. I am looking forward to when we reflect back on this in, lets say, a year from now.
Tongue firmly planted into cheek, I now present to you a video that should make you think - you likely know it from civics class (unless you slept through it), but here it is to refresh your memory:
A new product I launched on Zazzle!
Cancan™ Bluetooth Speaker - Small yet mighty - our Origaudio Cancan™ speaker is a Bluetooth wireless micro-speaker that is compact enough to fit in your pocket. It features a dust cap that offers protection from the elements, and also as a grip stand when the cap is flipped over. Bring this portable Bluetooth speaker to your next event with friends and family!
This for starters, there will be more added soon.
Visit MY HOME PAGE ON ZAZZLE to see all my creations and collections.
60 images from my post on Instagram
of my artwork on Fine Art America. My Instagram page: My FAA page: you can also find these on my Pixels website: CREDITS: Royalty free music from DAVID FESLIYAN 1. Forest Ventures 2. Beautiful Village Soundtrack on Final Credits by KEVIN MACLEOD |
OTTO RAPPThis blog is primarily art related - for my photography please go to Archives
September 2024